Data-Test-Executer Framework speziell zum Test von Datenverarbeitungen mit Datengenerierung, Systemvorbereitungen, Einspielungen, ganzheitlicher diversifizierender Vergleich
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

250 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author : Ulrich Carmesin
# Source :
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 years ago
the issue of this tool is to transform extern data to the internal structure and the internal structure into extern data - i.e. mostly test-results.
* * * * * * * *
the testdata have several elements
* parameter (-td --tdata) : to identify which testdata should be loaded
3 years ago
* source (flaskdb: dbname / dir: filename) : always structured in a table (easy to specify) with columns
3 years ago
* node : where the rows are
* action : what should be done - default insert
+ fields : dates in relation of a reference<day or a formula
* interface : configured in components and used in comparison with attributes to each field:
* ignored - if it should be ignored on differences, it is necessary on technical ID-fields
* id-field - necessary
* * * * * * * *
the testdata itself which are written in different artifacts of modern applications are mostly stored as tree
- so as xml, json, always with plain data in the leaf. So the intern structure should be also a tree - in python: dictionary.
import os.path
3 years ago
import basic.program
import utils.file_tool
import basic.constants as B
CSV_HEADER_START = ["node", "table", "tabelle"]
3 years ago
def getSourcefile(filename):
def getTestdata():
get the testdata from one of the possible soources
* dir: each file in the specific testarchiv
* csv: specific file
* db: specific db with a testcase-catalogue
3 years ago
job = basic.program.Job.getInstance()
3 years ago
reftyp = getattr(job.par, "tdtyp")
source = getattr(job.par, "tdsrc")
criteria = getattr(job.par, "tdname")
tdata = {"reftyp": reftyp, "source": source, "criteria": criteria}
3 years ago
if reftyp == "flaskdb":
3 years ago
# read data-structure with sourcename
# connect to source
# select with all data with datastructure
job.m.setInfo("Test-Data readed from " + reftyp + " for " + criteria)
elif reftyp == "csv":
# read file in testdata
job.m.logInfo("Test-Data readed from " + reftyp + " for " + criteria)
elif reftyp == "dir":
filename = os.path.join(job.conf.getJobConf("paths:testdata"), source, "testspec.csv")
data = getCsvSpec(job.m, filename, CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA)
for k in data:
tdata[k] = data[k]
3 years ago
job.m.setFatal("test-Data: reftyp " + reftyp + " is not implemented")
return tdata
def getCsvSpec(msg, filename, type):
get data from a csv-file
a) data : like a table with data-array of key-value-pairs
b) tree : as a tree - the rows must be unique identified by the first column
data = {}
header = []
lines = utils.file_tool.readFileLines(msg, filename)
status = "start"
for l in lines:
fields = l.split(CSV_DELIMITER)
# check empty line, comment
if (len(l.strip().replace(CSV_DELIMITER,"")) < 1):
status = "start"
if (fields[0][0:1] == "#"):
a = fields[0].split(":")
# keywords option, step, table
if (a[0] not in data):
data[a[0]] = {}
if (a[0].lower() == "step"):
if (not "steps" in data):
data["steps"] = []
step = {}
step["comp"] = fields[1]
step["todo"] = fields[2]
step["args"] = fields[3]
elif (a[0].lower() == "option"):
data[a[0]][a[1]] = fields[1]
elif (a[0].lower() in CSV_HEADER_START):
i = 0
for f in fields:
i += 1
if i == 1: continue
elif (status == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA):
# check A-col for substructure
if (a[0] not in data):
data[a[0]] = {}
if len(a) == 1 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]][B.DATA_NODE_DATA] = []
# its a component
if len(a) > 1 and a[1] not in data[a[0]]:
data[a[0]][a[1]] = {}
if len(a) == 2 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]][a[1]]["_data"] = []
if len(a) > 2 and a[2] not in data[a[0]][a[1]]:
data[a[0]][a[1]][a[2]] = {}
if len(a) == 3 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]][a[1]][a[1]][B.DATA_NODE_DATA] = []
# fill data
row = {}
i = 1
for f in header:
row[f] = fields[i]
i += 1
if len(a) == 1 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
elif len(a) == 1 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]] = {f: row}
elif len(a) == 2 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
elif len(a) == 1 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]][a[1]][B.DATA_NODE_DATA] = {f: row}
elif len(a) == 3 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]][a[1]][a[2]] = row
elif len(a) == 1 and type == CSV_SPECTYPE_DATA:
data[a[0]][a[1]][a[2]] = {f: row}
return data
def readCsv(msg, filename, comp):
3 years ago
job = basic.program.Job.getInstance()
3 years ago
verify = -1+job.getDebugLevel("tdata_tool")
job.debug(verify, "readCsv " + filename)
fields = []
nodes = []
columns = []
output = {}
state = 0
data = []
cnt = 0
lines = utils.file_tool.readFileLines(msg, filename)
startCols = 1
3 years ago
for line in lines:
fields = line.split(';')
testline = line.replace(";", "")
job.debug(verify, str(state) + " line " + line + " :" + str(len(fields)) + ": " + str(fields))
if len(testline) < 2 and state < 1:
state = 0
elif fields[0].lower() in CSV_HEADER_START:
3 years ago
state = 2
columns = []
cnt = len(fields)
job.debug(verify, str(state) + " cnt " + str(cnt))
j = 0
for i in range(1, cnt-1):
if fields[0][0:1] == "_":
startCols += 1
3 years ago
job.debug(verify, str(i) + " cnt " + str(fields[i]))
if len(fields[i]) > 0:
j = j + 1
cnt = j
job.debug(verify, str(state) + " " + str(cnt) + " cols " + str(columns))
elif state >= 2 and len(testline) > 2:
if state == 2:
nodes = fields[0].split(":")
job.debug(verify, str(state) + " nodes " + str(nodes))
state = 3
row = {}
for i in range(startCols, cnt-1):
3 years ago
row[columns[i-2]] = fields[i]
job.debug(verify, str(state) + " row " + str(row))
elif state == 3:
job.debug(verify, "structure " + str(state) + ": " + str(nodes))
output = setSubnode(0, nodes, data, output)
data = []
state = 0
output = setSubnode(0, nodes, data, output)
return output
def setSubnode(i, nodes, data, tree):
print("setSubnode " + str(i) + ": " + ": " + str(tree))
if i >= len(nodes):
print("setSubnode a " + str(i))
tree["data"] = data
elif tree is not None and nodes[i] in tree.keys():
print("setSubnode b " + str(i))
tree[nodes[i]] = setSubnode(i+1, nodes, data, tree[nodes[i]])
print("setSubnode c " + str(i))
tree[nodes[i]] = setSubnode((i + 1), nodes, data, {})
return tree
def getDataStructure(comp):
# gets data-structure from the vml in the component-folder
3 years ago
job = basic.program.Job.getInstance()
3 years ago
verify = -1+job.getDebugLevel("tdata_tool")
job.debug(verify, "getDataStructure " + comp)
def normalizeDataRow(dstruct, xpathtupel, row, referencedate):
# normalize data of the row if necessary
# raw-value is saved as new field with _raw as suffix
3 years ago
job = basic.program.Job.getInstance()
3 years ago
verify = -1+job.getDebugLevel("tdata_tool")
job.debug(verify, "calcDataRow " + row)
def writeDataTable(filename, tdata, comp):
3 years ago
writes the testdata into a csv-file for documentation of the test-run
:param teststatus:
:param tdata:
:param comp: if specific else None
3 years ago
job = basic.program.Job.getInstance()
3 years ago
verify = -1+job.getDebugLevel("tdata_tool")
job.debug(verify, "writeDataTable " + str(comp))
text = "table"
for f in tdata[B.DATA_NODE_HEADER]:
text += ";"+f
for r in tdata[B.DATA_NODE_DATA]:
text += "\n"
for f in tdata[B.DATA_NODE_HEADER]:
if f in r:
text += ";"+r[f]
text += ";"
text += "\n"
utils.file_tool.writeFileText(comp.m, filename, text)