import unittest import os import inspect import shutil import tools.path_tool import basic.program import test.testtools import basic.constants as B import test.constants as T import tools.file_tool import model.step import model.testcase HOME_PATH = test.constants.HOME_PATH PYTHON_CMD = "python" # TEST_FUNCTIONS = ["test_10getEntityNames", "test_12getEntity", "test_02setEntity", "test_20getStep"] TEST_FUNCTIONS = ["test_12getEntity"] PROGRAM_NAME = "clean_workspace" PROJECT = "TESTPROJ" class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): mymsg = "--------------------------------------------------------------" def test_02setEntity(self): global mymsg global jobObject actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) cnttest = 0 if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS: return job = test.testtools.getJob() step = model.step.Step(job) name = "xml-rest" actproject = step.read_entity(job, name) self.assertEqual(getattr(actproject, model.step.FIELD_NAME), name) self.assertRaises(Exception, step.read_entity, job, "xyzxyz") def test_10getEntityNames(self): global mymsg global jobObject actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) cnttest = 0 if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS: return job = test.testtools.getJob() step = model.step.Step(job) entityNames = [] entityNames = step.read_unique_names(job, "", "", "", {}) self.assertEquals(type(entityNames), list) print("apps "+str(entityNames)) #entityNames = component.select_unique_names(job, "", "", "", {}) #self.assertEquals(type(entityNames), list) def test_12getEntity(self): global mymsg global jobObject actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) cnttest = 0 if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS: return job = test.testtools.getJob() step = model.step.Step(job) name = "xml-rest" actstep = step.read_entity(job, name) self.assertEqual(getattr(actstep, model.step.FIELD_NAME), name) self.assertRaises(Exception, step.read_entity, job, "xyzxyz") # testcase = model.testcase.Testcase(job, "TESTPROJ") tcname = "TC0001" acttestcase = testcase.read_entity(job, tcname) print(str(acttestcase.steps)) #actproject = actproject.setAttributes(job, ) #actproject = component.select_entity(job, name) #self.assertEqual(getattr(actproject, model.component.FIELD_USERNAME), name) #self.assertRaises(Exception, component.select_entity, job, ["xyzxyz"]) def test_10getSteps(self): global mymsg global jobObject actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) cnttest = 0 if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS: return # simple job instantiate - without parameter and only simple messaging job = test.testtools.getJob() print(str(job.__dict__)) jobObject = job def test_20getStep(self): global mymsg global jobObject actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) cnttest = 0 if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS: return # simple job instantiate - without parameter and only simple messaging job = test.testtools.getJob() print(str(job.__dict__)) jobObject = job # step-name = variant step = model.step.Step(job, PROJECT, name="json-rest") print(str(step)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()