# # ---------------------------------------------------------- """ This program is created for the business-test on the level of unit testing. On this level there is an intensive test-set up to a carthesian product possible. The test-specification is written in a yaml-config in the data-directory. workflow: 1. generate test-cases with all inputs into a csv-file of the spec-yaml 2. run the csv-file and collect all results into a new result-csv-file with all inputs and outputs 3. check the result-csv-file and declare it as a target-results OR instead 2 and 3 on test-first-strategy: 3. create manually the target-result with your inputs and the target system-outputs 4. run and compare the actual-result with the target-result 5. at the end you get an xls-sheet like your result-csv-file but additionally with comparsion-result as detailed result and the only counts of passed and failed tests as minimum-result which can be inserted into management-tools """ # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. if __name__ == '__main__': print ("start")