#!/usr/bin/python # program to execute steps of a testcase # PARAM: --environment --application --tcdir [ testcase, tctime ] # main functions # + craete_request() : testspec --> tdata.step --> archiv.request # + send_request() : archiv.request -- comp-config --> system.interface # --------------------------------------------------- import sys import os import basic.step import basic.program as program import utils.tdata_tool import utils.report_tool import utils.path_tool import utils.file_tool import basic.componentHandling import basic.message as message # Press Umschalt+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code. # Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings. PROGRAM_NAME = "execute_testcase" def startPyJob(job): cm = basic.componentHandling.ComponentManager.getInstance(job) print("cm "+str(cm)) cm.initComponents() comps = cm.getComponents(PROGRAM_NAME) job.m.setMsg("# Components initialized with these relevant components " + str(comps)) tdata = utils.tdata_tool.getTestdata(job) print(str(tdata)) if not "_steps" in tdata: raise Exception("no steps to execute in testdata") for (step) in tdata["_steps"]: if step.comp in comps: comp = cm.getComponent(step.comp) comp.execute_test(job, step, tdata) job.m.merge(comp.m) else: job.m.setError(step.comp+" kann nicht aufgerufen werden!") # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. if __name__ == '__main__': print(PROGRAM_NAME) x = program.Job(PROGRAM_NAME) x.startJob() x.m.logInfo("hier eine LogInfo") x.m.logDebug("hier eine DbugMeldung") x.m.logDebug(str(vars(x.par)) + "\n" + str(vars(x.conf))) if x.m.isRc("fatal"): x.stopJob() exit(x.m.rc * (-1) + 3) startPyJob(x) x.stopJob() # See PyCharm help at https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/