Data-Test-Executer Framework speziell zum Test von Datenverarbeitungen mit Datengenerierung, Systemvorbereitungen, Einspielungen, ganzheitlicher diversifizierender Vergleich
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

210 lines
8.8 KiB

import unittest
import os
import inspect
import tools.path_tool
import basic.program
import test.constants
import basic.constants as B
import basic.componentHandling
import tools.file_tool
import basic.message
HOME_PATH = test.constants.HOME_PATH
PYTHON_CMD = "python"
TEST_FUNCTIONS = ["test_00init", "test_04logLevel", "test_05loginigArgs", "test_10set", "test_11log", "test_20close"]
#TEST_FUNCTIONS = ["test_00init", "test_04logLevel"]
PROGRAM_NAME = "clean_workspace"
NOT_TO_LOG = ["xx1xx", "xx4xx"]
TO_LOG = ["yy1yy", "yy2yy", "yy3yy", "yy4yy", "yy5yy", "yy6yy", "xx0xx", "xx8xx"]
NOT_TO_DEBUG = ["xx4xx", "xx1xx", "xx1xx", "xx1xx", "xx1xx", "xx1xx", "xx1xx"]
TO_DEBUG = ["xx9xx", "xx22xx", "xx35xx"]
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mymsg = "--------------------------------------------------------------"
def test_00init(self):
global mymsg
global msgObject
global jobObject
actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
cnttest = 0
if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS:
# simple job instantiate - without parameter and only simple messaging
args = {}
args["par"] = {}
args["par"]["mode"] = "unit"
args["par"]["wsdir"] = os.path.join(B.HOME_PATH, "workspace")
job = basic.program.SimpleJob(PROGRAM_NAME, "unittest", args)
jobObject = job
tlogTime = "20220101_123456"
# temporary Message - a simple implementation at initialization of the job
tmsg = basic.message.TempMessage(job, tlogTime)
self.checkSimpleMessage(tmsg, "debug", tlogTime)
cnttest += 3
self.assertEqual(basic.message.LIMIT_DEBUG, getattr(tmsg, "level"))
setattr(job, "m", tmsg)
msg = basic.message.Message(job, "trace", tlogTime, None)
setattr(job, "m", msg)
self.checkSimpleMessage(msg, "debug", tlogTime)
cnttest += 3
self.checkSimpleMessage(msg, "log", tlogTime)
cnttest += 3
self.assertEqual(basic.message.LIMIT_TRACE, getattr(msg, "level"))
cnttest += 3
msgObject = msg #
jobObject = job
MyTestCase.mymsg += "\n----- "+actfunction+" : "+str(cnttest)
def test_04logLevel(self):
global mymsg
global msgObject
global jobObject
actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
cnttest = 0
if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS:
res = msgObject.getLogLevel()
self.assertEqual(0, res)
res = msgObject.getLogLevel("msg_tool")
self.assertEqual(0, res)
setattr(jobObject.par, "tool", "job_tool")
res = msgObject.getLogLevel("msg_tool")
self.assertEqual(0, res)
setattr(jobObject.par, "tool", "msg_tool")
res = msgObject.getLogLevel("msg_tool")
self.assertEqual(2, res)
cnttest += 4
MyTestCase.mymsg += "\n----- "+actfunction+" : "+str(cnttest)
def test_05loginigArgs(self):
global mymsg
actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
cnttest = 0
if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS:
res = msgObject.getLoggingArgs(12, 1, "text")
self.assertEqual(res["mlevel"], 12)
self.assertEqual(res["mprio"], 1)
self.assertEqual(res["mtext"], "text")
res = msgObject.getLoggingArgs(12, "text", "")
self.assertEqual(res["mlevel"], 12)
self.assertEqual(res["mprio"], 0)
self.assertEqual(res["mtext"], "text")
res = msgObject.getLoggingArgs(12, "text", "ERROR: ")
self.assertEqual(res["mlevel"], 12)
self.assertEqual(res["mprio"], 0)
self.assertEqual(res["mtext"], "ERROR: text")
cnttest += 9
MyTestCase.mymsg += "\n----- "+actfunction+" : "+str(cnttest)
def test_10set(self):
global mymsg
actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
cnttest = 0
if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS:
print("test_set "+str(msgObject.__dict__))
msgObject.setMsg("yy1yy result-msg")
self.assertEqual(basic.message.RC_MSG, msgObject.getFinalRc())
self.assertEqual(msgObject.topmessage, "MSG: yy1yy result-msg")
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.isRc(basic.message.RC_MSG))
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.isRc(basic.message.MTEXT_MSG))
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.isRc(basic.message.MTEXT_INFO))
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.isRc(basic.message.RC_WARN))
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.isRc(basic.message.MTEXT_WARN))
msgObject.setWarn("yy2yy warn-msg")
self.assertEqual(basic.message.RC_WARN, msgObject.getFinalRc())
self.assertEqual("WARN: yy2yy warn-msg", msgObject.topmessage)
self.assertEqual(False, msgObject.isRc(basic.message.RC_MSG))
msgObject.setError("yy3yy error-msg")
self.assertEqual(basic.message.RC_ERROR, msgObject.getFinalRc())
self.assertEqual("ERROR: yy3yy error-msg", msgObject.topmessage)
msgObject.setWarn("yy4yy warn-msg")
self.assertEqual(basic.message.RC_ERROR, msgObject.getFinalRc())
self.assertEqual("ERROR: yy3yy error-msg", msgObject.topmessage)
msgObject.setError("yy5yy error-msg")
self.assertEqual(basic.message.RC_ERROR, msgObject.getFinalRc())
self.assertEqual("ERROR: yy3yy error-msg", msgObject.topmessage)
msgObject.setFatal("yy6yy fatal-msg")
self.assertEqual(basic.message.RC_FATAL, msgObject.getFinalRc())
self.assertEqual("FATAL: yy6yy fatal-msg", msgObject.topmessage)
cnttest += 6
MyTestCase.mymsg += "\n----- "+actfunction+" : "+str(cnttest)
def test_11log(self):
global mymsg
actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
cnttest = 0
if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS:
print("test_log "+str(msgObject.__dict__))
i = 0
# auf verschiedenen Ebenen loggen ohne und mit Weitergabe von Prio
for level in [basic.message.LIMIT_INFO, basic.message.LIMIT_DEBUG, basic.message.LIMIT_TRACE, basic.message.LIMIT_XTRACE]:
setattr(msgObject, "level", level)
msgObject.logInfo("xx"+str(i)+"xx info at level "+str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logDebug("xx" + str(i) + "xx debug at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logTrace("xx" + str(i) + "xx trace at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logXTrace("xx" + str(i) + "xx xtrace at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logInfo(2, "xx"+str(i)+"xx info++ at level "+str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logDebug(2, "xx" + str(i) + "xx debug++ at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logTrace(2, "xx" + str(i) + "xx trace++ at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logXTrace(2, "xx" + str(i) + "xx xtrace++ at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logInfo(-2, "xx"+str(i)+"xx info-- at level "+str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logDebug(-2, "xx" + str(i) + "xx debug-- at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logTrace(-2, "xx" + str(i) + "xx trace-- at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
msgObject.logXTrace(-2, "xx" + str(i) + "xx xtrace-- at level " + str(msgObject.level))
i += 1
def test_20close(self):
global mymsg
actfunction = str(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
cnttest = 0
if actfunction not in TEST_FUNCTIONS:
print("test_close "+str(msgObject.__dict__))
self.assertEqual(False, msgObject.logfile.closed)
self.assertEqual(False, msgObject.debugfile.closed)
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.logfile.closed)
self.assertEqual(True, msgObject.debugfile.closed)
# now check what is logged
logtext = tools.file_tool.readFileText(jobObject, msgObject.logpath, None)
debugtext = tools.file_tool.readFileText(jobObject, msgObject.debugpath, None)
for x in TO_LOG:
regex = r".*" + x + ""
self.assertIn(x, logtext)
self.assertIn(x, debugtext)
def checkSimpleMessage(self, msg, prefix, logTime):
for x in [prefix+"path", prefix+"file", "level"]:
self.assertIn(x, msg.__dict__)
self.assertIn(logTime, getattr(msg, "debugpath"))
def test_zzz(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':